On Serpents and Saint Patrick

BookTuber Tuesday! Alan Moore talks about Lovecraft and Modernists

Have a book vlog video you want us to check out?Ā Submit a link below and itĀ couldĀ make the CIRCO blog.

[“BLA and GB Gabbler” (really just a pen name – singular) are the Editor and Narrator behind THE AUTOMATION, vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero series. They are on facebook, twitter, tumblr, goodreads, and Vulcan’s shit list.]

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Alan Moore on the publishing industry:

Some of his advice is pretty standard: write every day, be self-critical, donā€™t worry about money when composing. But Moore also breaks out of the old adages and is frank about the publishing world as he perceives it, pointing out that many of the ā€œfamous, well-knownā€ authors out there ā€œhave nothing to do with writing,ā€ casting shade on popular works like Dan Brownā€™s and calling the industry a ā€œmess.ā€ So whatā€™s a hungry writer to do? Self-publish, sayeth the wizard:



ā€œPublishing today is a complete mess. I know brilliant authors who canā€™t get their books published,ā€ Moore says, explaining that many publishing houses are afraid of taking risks on fiction. Mooreā€™s solution? ā€œPublish yourself. Donā€™t rely upon other people.ā€

Itā€™s rare and refreshing for an established writer to promote the potential boons of self-publishing and be honest about their perception of what lies behind the industry curtain. Of course, we expect some eccentricity from Moore, but we prefer this earnest truth-telling over the grumpy old manperformances heā€™s given more recently. The video was recorded in 2011, which means we may be in need of a time-turning spell. More of this old Moore, please.

Read the rest

See also: Why literature is no longer art.

[“BLA and GB Gabbler” (really just a pen name – singular) are the Editor and Narrator behind THE AUTOMATION, vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero series. They are on facebook, twitter, tumblr, goodreads, and Vulcan’s shit list.]

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#BLAThoughtOfTheDay: Why Alan Moore went into comic books

With the news that comic book creator Alan Moore has written a prose novel that probably has more than ONE MILLION words, I can see why comic books were his original means of a successful outlet.

Jesus. A picture is worth a thousand words, dude. No need to actually USE words if your story is going to be that complicated (har, har). -BLA

[“BLA and GB Gabbler” (really just a pen name – singular) are the Editor and Narrator behind THE AUTOMATION, vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero series. They are on facebook, twitter, tumblr, goodreads, and Vulcan’s shit list.]

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