GABBLER RECOMMENDS: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell – BBC

My only qualms with the show? That there’s no brilliant way to incorporate the novel’s splendid footnotes and all the stylistic atmosphere therein. Waiting on episode 4! 

[“BLA and GB Gabbler” (really just a pen name – singular) are the Editor and Narrator behind THE AUTOMATION, vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero series. They are on facebook, twitter, tumblr, goodreads, and Vulcan’s shit list.]

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9 thoughts on “GABBLER RECOMMENDS: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell – BBC

      1. No. My son is a big fan of the novel and the show. I’m too freaked out by the show to read it.


  1. I didn’t know this was a show. I have the book but didn’t through all of it. I’ll have to devote a whole summer to reading it if I want to get through it all.

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